Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Real Life "Clue"

This is a great game to play on a college campus.

Make your own cards for the game, using campus buildings as the possible murder scenes. Be creative with your weapons, and use 6 people from your real group to be the possible killers (the cards are fun to keep and reuse later).

Divide into 2 teams. Draw out one person card, one weapon card and one location card from the total cards. Shuffle the rest and distribute them equally between each team. Each team will then have a few clues as to who is NOT the killer, what is NOT the weapon and what is NOT the location.

The teams leave and head for different buildings to start making their guesses. They have to be in a building to guess it as a location, just as in real Clue. (There isn't a limit to how many steps they can take, though. So no dice are needed.)

Each team takes turns calling in its guesses to the other team, which will tell them if their guess has a part wrong and then reveal to them one of their clues that counters the guess.

Whichever team correctly identifies the murderer, weapon and location first wins.

Paper (and possible pictures/markers/pens and glue, depending on how good you want your cards to be)
Cell phones

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