Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Heart Attacking

Pass around scissors and construction paper and have everyone cut out hearts. Other group members can write sweet messages on the hearts ("We love you!" "Hey cutie!" "Kiss me!"). Make a big heart that says "You've had a heart attack!" which group members can sign or not (if you'd rather be anonymous). When you have a big pile of hearts, choose a home or homes (or bishop's office, friend's car, school locker) to visit. Be really sneaky and tape the hearts everywhere at the place that you chose. You've just given someone a heart attack! Put the big heart declaring this on the outside of the door/car/locker, etc, so they have enough time to be confused before finding the hidden surprise.

This activity is a great one for service. It can help the recipient know they are loved and appreciated and being thought of -- and who doesn't want that?

construction paper

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