Thursday, November 24, 2011

Water Balloon Volleyball

There are a couple of ways to play this:

1. Have two people to a towel, each person holding one of the short ends so the towel is at its longest between them. Get another partnership with a towel, and give them a water balloon. The two people with the water balloon in their towel work together to "toss" it to the other team with the towel, and after each toss the two pairs move a little farther apart. The goal is to catch it each time, as the 4 people together are a team. Whichever set of 4 can achieve the farthest throw and catch wins.

2. Have a volleyball net, and on either side have partners holding towels between them as described above. Each side of the net is a team (comprised of many partnerships), and they launch the balloon over the net. The other side catches it, then launches it back. If the balloon hits the net or the ground (or a person) and breaks, the team that launched it gets a point. Play to a certain number (10 or 15) then switch up the teams.

*As these activities involved water, be sure to let your group know ahead of time so they can dress appropriately.

water balloons
volleyball net (for game #2)

1 comment:

  1. Do you know what the spiritual concept is this?
